November, 2012

Moving the Kids: Does It Require a Change to a Divorce or Timesharing (Custody) Order in Florida?

We live in a mobile society, and some states, particularly states like Florida, have very transient populations.  Post-divorce moves are very common.  But, how do you deal with the idea of moving the kids away from the other parent? First, let’s address some terms.  In Florida, we don’t say “custodial parent” or “CP” vs. “non-custodial-parent” […]

Does Florida Allow for Separation?

This is a question on which even experienced family lawyers disagree.  It is really a question of semantics.  My answer is a qualified “yes.” In many states, legal separation is required before you can file for divorce.  That means that a judge has to declare a couple “legally separated” for a certain amount of time […]